Ignoring a relatively minor distraction or misbehavior is an easy choice to make. After all, maybe it was your fault for not being clear enough! But choosing not to react when students aren't meeting your expectations can erode your credibility and set you up for unnecessary confrontation in the future. Instead, we offer a tool belt of ways to react to misbehavior. Some are subtle non-verbal moves, and others are more direct responses. They all have their place, and choosing which to employ will require good judgment and a deep knowledge of your individual students.
We share important core values with educator Doug Lemov, and have been inspired and influenced by "Teach Like a Champion." If you find Match Minis useful, we know you'll like his book, a broad and deep exploration of high-leverage, practical teaching moves. From the author: "Teach Like a Champion 2.0 is a complete update to the international bestseller. This teaching guide is a must-have for new and experienced teachers alike. Over 700,000 teachers around the world already know how the techniques in this book turn educators into classroom champions. With ideas for everything from classroom management to inspiring student engagement, you will be able to perfect your teaching practice right away."