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Check out Match Schoolhouse, our latest resource offering online PD for teachers and coaches. Schoolhouse courses feature Minis clips, classroom footage, and much more!

Match Education Logo

is an education reform non-profit organization
in Boston comprised of...

Match School Graphic

An innovative, high-performing free public K-12 charter school.

Sposato Graphic

A graduate school of educationt that prepares teachers for working in high-need settings.

Match Export Graphic

An effort to share our knowledge with educators everywhere through online resources.

Across all these endeavors we pursue outstanding results and search constantly for new approaches and new ideas. From trying, testing and trying again we have learned a great deal about teaching, training teachers and helping our students on their path to success.

We believe others can benefit from what we have learned so we are committed to sharing. This is where Match Minis come in. This website is one way that we try to export what we have uncovered over the years. Each Mini represents one piece of wisdom from our work, packaged up and shipped to you.

In a similar vein, Match Fishtank, our new open source curriculum site shares the standards-based K-12 curriculum we have developed for use in our schools.

We hope Match Minis and Match Fishtank can help teachers everywhere become a little better at what they do.

Video Thumbnail


The Minimizers

Ross headshot

Ross Trudeau

Writing & Editing

Nicole headshot

Nicole Kwan

Art & Editing

Jon headshot

Jonathan Blum

Tech & Narration

Claire headshot

Claire Kaplan

Management & Distribution

Christopher headshot

Christopher Mallon


Additional Art: Shaina Lu
Additional Narration: Krysta Wallrauch

Sources Of Inspiration

Ultimately, Match Minis are the result of 15 years of hard work by hundreds of individuals across the various branches of Match Education. It would take a ton of page space to acknowledge all of the passionate and dedicated educators who have contributed to our knowledge and core values.

In addition, we've gotten ideas from many outside sources. We do our best to list them all here.

Suffice it to say that when it comes to Minis, it takes a village. Thanks, village.